Tag: small business success

Three Tips to Manage Social Media Success

Social media is an excellent way to build brand awareness for your business and to engage with your customers. Yet many small business owners often worry about the time it requires to manage their social media marketing efforts. It’s sort of funny in a way. Small business owners used to say they didn’t have the money to market their businesses, and now they say they don’t have the time. Understandably, time is money, but you can enjoy the benefits of social media marketing without allowing it to consume your time. Here are three quick tips.

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TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs Helps Small Businesses Leverage Technology

Recently I wrote a blog post about how business owners think a crashed computer is more disruptive to their business than a sick employee. There’s not doubt we all depend on technology to build our businesses. Yet many business owners don’t understand how to fully leverage technology to propel their business to new heights.

If you need help managing your small business technology, then make plans to attend “TechSpeak for Entrepreneurs” on May 4-5 in New York City.

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Susan-Says: How to Entertain a New Small Business Advisory Board

First, I congratulate you for recognizing the value of an advisory board and putting one together this early in your business development. You are also right about making the meeting enjoyable for the board members because while they are there to help you evaluate business strategies, they are also giving up their valuable time. Here are a few suggestions for you.

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