Tag: small business success

American Consumers Helping Small Businesses Prosper

Competitive pressures from major retail outlets and chains often have serious affects on small business success.  Many small towns have watched their downtown districts transform into ghost towns when major discount retailers arrive on the scene.  Now American consumers have an opportunity to help small business break through and prosper.  In celebration of National Small […]

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Rein in Your Email Use for Greater Results.

Emails — can’t live with them and can’t live without them. Email is the primary form of business communication today. On average, we spend about 28 percent of our work day managing emails and the majority of them are unnecessary. The typical worker gets approximately 147 emails per day. (I get far more than that!) Of those emails, 48 percent get deleted which takes about 3.2 seconds each — that’s four minutes a day — 20 minutes a week of basically wasted time.

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