Lenders following you on social media
Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com Small business expert Susan Solovic and Credit.com Director of Consumer Education Gerri Detweiler on lenders using social media to research potential borrowers.
Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com Small business expert Susan Solovic and Credit.com Director of Consumer Education Gerri Detweiler on lenders using social media to research potential borrowers.
Now that the holidays are over and you have (hopefully) recovered from your New Year’s hangover, it is time to start thinking about: getting your taxes in order for 2013; and planning for your 2014 tax bill. First, the bad news: 2013 is over. It is simply too late to change anything that happened on […]
2013 has been a big year for taxes. The “fiscal cliff” deal boosted the top federal income tax rate to 39.6%; “Obamacare” added new taxes on top earners; and dozens of state and local governments raised their taxes, too. Congress will finish 2013 even more divided than it began, which will probably protect us from new taxes next year. […]
When you are thinking of expanding your business, you can go the traditional loan route. But there is another option. Applying for an SBA loan which is partially guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration. We’re about to break-down four of the primary kinds of loans offered by the SBA. Additionally, we’ll give you some […]
“I started a business with two partners back in the 1990s. We set up a closely held corporation for the business, and signed a Shareholders’ Agreement. The three of us have gotten along well over the years and so we really haven’t had to look at the Agreement all that much. But about a month […]