Tag: employees

Checking Messages After Hours May Warrant Overtime for Your Employees

Do you provide mobile devices to your employees? Most workers today are connected to their jobs 24/7 — blurring the line between work hours and personal time. In many respects, it’s hard to get away from the job. But how much time does the average worker spend checking emails or taking work-related calls after hours? Some employees feel it’s significant and they’re striking back.

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When Employees Talk, Customer’s Listen and You Might Not Like What They Hear

One of the biggest assets a business can have is talented, loyal employees who understand the importance of customer service. I beam with pride when someone compliments one of my team members. It confirms what I already know: I’m fortunate to have the best and the brightest working with me.
As business owners, we place trust in our employees that they will represent the company well in all public interactions. But have you ever thought about what could happen when a customer overhears your employees talking to each other. Do you know what they are saying? Your customers do and they are listening.

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National Labor Relations Board’s New Ruling May Affect Your Small Biz

A recent ruling by the National Labor Relations Board may have significant consequences for businesses of all sizes. In a ground-breaking case, the NLRB accused a company of illegally firing an employee for comments she made about her supervisor on Facebook. The Board considered her criticisms of the company and her bosses as being “protected activity” under the National Labor Relations Act. The Act provides for a number of protections, among them it gives workers a federally protected right to form unions, and it also prohibits employers from punishing workers — whether union or nonunion — for discussing working conditions or unionization.

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