Category: General

Susan-Says: Happy Independence Day to America’s Entrepreneurs

This week we celebrate America’s independence. On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed declaring our country’s independence from Great Britain. This national holiday, commonly referred to as the 4th of July, is typically associated with fireworks, parades and summer parties. But independence has a broader meaning for small business owners. The spirit of independence is what motivates many entrepreneurs — the opportunity to become your own boss and create your own destiny.

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Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late. Safeguard Your Business Today.

June marks the beginning of hurricane season. Our minds are filled with memories of the devastation we’ve witnessed from hurricanes during seven years. As a result of Hurricane Katrina alone, 20,000 businesses were destroyed resulting in 125,000 lost jobs.

Of course, there are all types of natural disasters that affect small businesses — tornadoes, floods, fires, and blizzards. Yet 2/3s of small business owners say they have no disaster plan in place. Dealing with a disaster is difficult under any circumstances, but your chances of surviving and recovering are much greater with a little advance planning.

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Four Tips for Hiring Summer Interns for Your Small Biz

As a new business owner, you have no choice but to juggle everything yourself from collecting the cash to taking out the trash. It all falls on your shoulders, and sometimes it feels as though there aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done. Summer interns can be a great way for a small business owner to get an extra set of hands for little or no money. Most colleges have summer intern programs for students who are interested in getting real world, practical experience. They get the benefit of building their resume’ and you get the help you need. If you think an intern might be right for your business here are a few tips to keep in mind.

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April is Stress Awareness Month: Tips for Managing Stress in Your Small Biz!

Starting and growing a small business is stressful. No doubt about it. A recent survey from ComPscyh Corporation found more than half of all workers find it tough to stay focused on their jobs because of stress.

Stress affects us mentally, emotionally and physically. Between 75 and 90 percent of all primary care doctor visits are stress-related, and stress is linked to most of the leading causes of death. Clearly when you let stress take control of you, it significantly minimizes your ability to succeed in your business. April is National Stress Awareness month so I thought I’d share some tips on how you can get a grip on stress in order to enhance your business success.

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