Tag: Marketing

Success Stories Create Emotional Attachment to Your Brand: Guest Blog

With each one narrowcasted for a target audience, and without sounding like an infomercial, a Success Story inspires people to act. Each story demonstrates how you’ve tackled challenges similar to theirs with solutions that produced desired results.  As a retention tool, success stories remind customers of what you did for them. Brand your company as […]

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Put Instagram to Work in Your Small Business

Another social media platform is taking the marketing world by storm. Instagram. Launched less than three years ago, the company has amassed a cult-like following of over 100 million users. Major brands are embracing the site as a smart addition to their marketing strategy. According to Simply Measured, 54 percent of the top brands are active on the social sharing application. The most active include: MTV, Starbucks, Burberry, Nike, Gucci, Tiffany & Co, Audi, and GE.

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What Does Your Business Card Say About Your Business?

“Do you have a card?” How many times have you been asked that question when you meet someone new? Business cards are a traditional part of doing business. They have been around for years and it’s easy to take them for granted. That’s particularly true in light of of all the popular social media platforms today that in many respects could easily replace the old faithful business card. Yet the business card remains a fixture in the business world.

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Google + Hangouts Helping Small Businesses Succeed

True confession — I’m a social media junkie. Kred, an organization that measures social media influence, recently placed me in the top one percent of influencers on the Internet. Many small businesses are using social media as a part of their overall marketing strategy, but keeping up with the rapidly changing social media market can be overwhelming. For example, just recently new statistics showed that Google +, the new kid on the block, is now number two behind Facebook, overtaking Twitter, in the social media world. One popular tool Google+ offers is called Google + Hangouts, and savvy small business owners are finding it as useful tool to help them grow their businesses.

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